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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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Default Why didn't I buy one sooner?

> Love my clear Anchor Hocking measuring glass - $1.50 - measures in
> teaspoons, tablespoons, metric too. Use it probably three or four
> times a week - this am, to measure 3 T. honey. Beats trying to use
> measuring spoons.

For what does one need to accurately measure 3 Tbs of honey.. and how do you
pour it from that little glass, only way I know is to first coat the glass
with vegetable oil... this is too messy... I would just eyeball it.

A shot glass marked in tsps... what a novel idea... I have a full set of 8
marked with naked ladies silk screened on. But for measuing 1 tsp (or any
small quantity of liquid) I use the ole standby, an ordinary eyedropper...
my latest is actually marked at 1/2 tsp, even marked at 1/4 tsp... on the
other side it's marked graduated in half millimeters from 0.5 mm - 2.5 mm
(1/2 tsp). Any Rx will have various sizes, typically under a buck. There
are also those "spoons" for kid's meds with the hollow handle marked in
tsps. Often such eyedroppers are included with liquid meds, I got my latest
one from the veterinarin, is included in the box with a bottle of cat
vitamins (Pet-Tinic). Actually I have quite a collection of eye droppers,
two of my Rx meds that I've been taking for nearly 20 years come with an
eyedropper (a slightly different one depending on which pharmaceutical
company as they're generic meds), I stopped saving them after I filled a
plastic bag with well over a hundred.

For measuring small quantites of liquid eyedroppers work far better. I
think that Anchor Hocking shot glass is purely a silly novelty, somebody's
joke, and not even cute like my naked lady glasses.

With the ridiculously high prices charged for those teensy bottles of
cooking extracts/flavorings (vanilla etc.) every bottle should include an
eyedropper cap.