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Omelet[_7_] Omelet[_7_] is offline
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Default How did your Easter dinner turn out?

In article >,

> Our Easter get-together was hectic but very enjoyable.
> Total of 17 at the table counting Gerry and I, all family.
> Appetizers included a hot spinach, artichoke and goat cheese dip,
> along with a selection of cheeses and 6 or 8 different crackers and
> flatbreads. A few Ontario micro-brewed beers may have been enjoyed as
> well.
> Dinner consisted of baked bone-in ham, glazed with a mixture of home
> made red currant & black raspberry jelly, Dijon mustard, crushed
> garlic and soy sauce.
> Roasted bone-in leg of lamb, medium rare, with home grown garlic and
> fresh rosemary. I never could see masking the flavour of lamb with
> mint so we had home made rosemary jelly for the lamb.
> Scalloped potatoes made with home grown potatoes and onions.
> Mashed potatoes for those who don't like scalloped (can't for the life
> of me understand people that don't like scalloped potatoes!)
> Home grown peas and butternut squash. Unfortunately, the cole slaw had
> to be made with store bought cabbage ;-).
> Some nice Chilean red wine and some decent Ontario white for those as
> prefer white.
> Desert consisted of two orange cakes that Gerry had cut and shaped
> into a bunny, iced with white icing then covered with coconut as the
> fur, candies arranged as eyes and mouth, uncooked spaghetti strands
> for whiskers with the bunny sitting on a "lawn" made of green food
> colouring dyed coconut. Served with vanilla ice cream. She spent hours
> crafting that cake but the younger grandkids were thrilled.
> All in all a most pleasant family get together. Even though the table
> was crowded, it's too bad that many more of the family live too far
> away to get together.
> For the rest of the week, it's a good thing we like left-overs.
> Ross

That sounds utterly delightful! Thanks for posting that. :-) I remember
a neighbor that made a bunny cake when I was a little kid. They are so
much fun.
Peace! Om

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass.
It's about learning to dance in the rain.
-- Anon.