picky eater v. ill-mannered hostess
"Dan Abel" > wrote in message
> I would have done what Tammy did, put up with it and not gone back.
> I've only met Tammy once, years ago, but I'm sure it was obvious to
> everyone except CS at that dinner, who was the jerk there.
Gosh, it really was a long time ago, wasn't it Dan? I clearly need to have
another cook-in.
> Still, if Tammy just had a dish cooked with mustard correctly, then...
> :-)
You know, after hearing you AND Dave Smith say this, I clearly need to give
it a try. It will well and truly have to be from someone who knows their
business though. Maybe I could presume upon Kay Hartman next time I had
down that way? Before I went to New Zealand, Kay cooked lamb (sans the
dreaded M stuff) for me so I would have a basis of comparison. Kay is
inarguably one of the best cooks in my acquaintance, but those NZers have
some FABULOUS lamb. Spoiled me for life.
You can invite me to dinner anytime, Dan :-) I promise to be on my best
> ObMustard: My wife hates mustard. Everybody else in my family likes
> it. It's just never been a problem. People add mustard at the table.
I even keep jars of it (well-hidden from my delicate eyesight) in the fridge
for such guests: one of the day-glo yellow stuff, and one that I'm told is
nicer. Not that I know, these lips haven't touched the stuff in decades. My
mom even makes devilled eggs for me sans mustard. I know, I know <sigh>....