Makes a great gift!
Bob Terwilliger wrote:
> I see that Ted Kennedy gifted Barack Obama with a Portuguese water dog.
> Obamas *had* intended to adopt a dog from a local rescue shelter, but they
> ended up with a purebred dog instead! Here are some characteristics which
> make them attractive to the First Family:
> 1. The breed doesn't shed, and people with dog allergies are often
> unaffected by this breed. (Malia Obama suffers from allergies.)
> 2. They typically bond to one alpha family member; I'm not sure where this
> dog will end up giving its devotion, we'll just have to wait and see.
That dog will bond with Michelle's mother, Bob, she RUNS that White House,
she brooks no nonsense from ANYONE and I for one would not want to cross her
and so suffer the gaze from what could probably be a very fearsome "evil
eye"...I'd expect if she didn't like you you'd be running around cowering
all the time. We should send her abroad as a Special Emissary to our
"trouble-making" enemies, she'd settle those pukes' hash in a microsecond
AND kick their mizerable asses to hell and back besides...
Obama is pussie - whipped, but in a GOOD way, in his wife and MIL he's
surrounded by strong women of good'll see no fear or
stumbling in their demeanor like you see in his. It's great to see a strong
woma[e]n of character in the WH again, the last we had was Nancy Reagan...
"The trouble with socialism is that you eventually run out of other
people's money."~~~~Margaret Thatcher