Asparagus questions
cybercat wrote:
> "Joseph Littleshoes" wrote:
>>>>>>>Now im thinking of simmering the cut up asparagus in milk and then
>>>>>>>using the milk to make a sauce with, though I suppose it would turn
>>>>>>>the milk green?
>>>>>>Hmmm... I would imagine it would but I'm not sure. Hell, give it a
>>>>>try and see what happens.
>>>>So you never made sauce bechamel?
>>>Of course I have, but never with asparagus juice as an ingredient in it.
Well i thought the flavor asparagus added when cooked with other
ingredients was better than when served on its own.
>>Simmered and onion in milk?
A bˇchamel sauce has a clove studded onion simmered in cream. When im
making a white sauce i cut u p an onion in to large dice and simmer it
in milk for about 15 - 20 minutes. I then use the onion flavored milk
to make the sauce with.
Seems to me doing the same thing with cut up asparagus might be worth while.
> I love cream of asparagus soup. I think I would like it, Joseph.
I intend to try it. Ill let you all know the results.