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Tara Tara is offline
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Default How did your Easter dinner turn out?

On Mon, 13 Apr 2009 14:11:48 -0400, Kajikit >

>We also had brunch at church in the morning. My contribution was the
>breakfast casseroles. After much thought I decided to do a basic bread
>and butter pudding (aka baked french toast) and I whipped up a
>sugar-free fat-free diabetic version for a few people who are
>restricted. And I made a savoury casserole based on tater tots. I was
>a bit dubious about it because I've never had a tater tot in my life,
>but it was delicious! I'll be making that one for us some time...
>there wasn't a scrap of it left at the end of the brunch. I've got to
>write the recipes down because a bunch of people asked for them.

Please post that tater-tot recipe!

I always enjoy hearing what someone decided to make after posting here
for ideas. I'm glad your brunch was successful.
