Free mp3s for all
On Tue, 14 Apr 2009 04:20:18 -0700 (PDT), Bobo Bonobo® wrote:
> On Apr 14, 4:57*am, nospam > wrote:
>> Bobo Bonobo® wrote:
>>> Talk to me.
>>> But not tonight. *Goodnight all.
>> Hey, it's boboNOBRAINO the spammer! A two line response, and a four line
>> signature to try to sell your crappy album of a no name band no one
>> wants anyway. Plus the signature is intentionally not formatted
>> correctly so replies will not cut it from the reply. Take your spamming
>> elsewhere dumbshit! We all know you cannot cook and have no talent
>> whatsoever. So please spare us loser.
> The album is rather good. In fact, I should offer some free mp3s to
> all, regardless of whether or not we get along well on the NG. Even
> you, Sheldon. Just email me.
if no one else has pointed out you're not supposed to be pimping your stuff
on the n.g., i will. you're not supposed to be pimping your stuff on the
n.g. this hasn't been a one-shot thing.