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Default Smoked Meat in the 4 Corners Area

"John Droge" > wrote in

> Stump
> It's been 20 years since I used to drive that way to visit the in-laws
> in Phoenix, but there was plenty of "Texas Style" places in those days
> in Durango, Cortez etc. There wasn't any pulled pork type Q in those
> days, but 20 years later who knows? as always let your nose be your
> guide <G> I hope your going to see Mesa Verde and Canyon De Chelly.
> How about Monument Valley? Will you be taking the Durango-Silverton
> Train? if you do get tickets before leaving home it often is sold out
> for long periods of time. Mutton? never saw that any where did have to
> dodge plenty of sheep as the Shepard's drove them across the road
> though. Now fry bread that's a staple and be sure and have a Navaho
> (fry bread) Taco.
> John

As you know, there seems to be so many great spots to visit, I'll be worn
out getting the plans together. I would have liked to go in the off season
and just get a room when needed but that's not the case. Yep, Mesa Verde,
Canyon De Chelly and Monument Valley are in the plans already. I
understand that you may not want to fight the crowds at this time for the
Grand Canyon due to the other areas being more intimate and just as
beautiful. Now about that train... I'm going to look into it. It would
be nice to see a scenic area without worrying about moving into oncoming

Also, I'll be on the look out for some brisket. Fry bread taco... can't
wait. I've only had fry bread by itself that a friend made.

I just wish I had more than 7 days in the area!
