Popcorn issues
On Apr 14, 8:19 pm, Dan S.
> wrote:
> I like microwave popcorn, but sometimes I just buy the bag of regular
> corn and pop it in the wok.
> I use vegetable oil and it never comes out as crisp as the microwave
> stuff. In fact, you could almost say it's stale or chewy tasting.
> How can I remedy this?
Here's what I have been doing for the past 20+ years. It's cheap,
results in great popcorn, and is low-cal, depending on how much butter
you put on it.
I use the cheapest regular popcorn I can find and store it in a air-
tight container (no need to refrigerate or freeze). Start some butter
melting in a small pan on low heat on the stove. Mix 1/2 to 2/3 cup
popcorn and one teaspoon of vegetable oil in a bowl. Pour the oily
popcorn into a plain paper lunch bag and roll down the top a fold or
two. Set the microwave on high (you need a "real," i.e. a 900-1100
watt jobber for this, not one of those "wimpy" 600 watt jobs) and cook
for about 3 1/2 minutes or until the popping rate begins to drop.
Take the bag out and scoop the cooked kernels off the top with your
wiggling fingers into a bowl (warning: hot!). Stick the bag back in
and finish off the "Old Maids" for another 1 1/2 minutes or so -
you'll get most of them - and throw out the ones that didn't survive
the 2nd blast without feeling guilty.
Drizzle on the butter, sprinkle on some salt and toss to mix. Makes
plenty enough for two people.
(Note: Some folks have claimed that ordinary paper bags can catch
fire in the microwave because of tiny scraps of extraneous metal in
the paper. I haven't had one of my cheapo lunch bags smolder or burn
yet, but it's probably a good idea to keep an eye on it while it's
Silvar Beitel