"George" > wrote in message
> George wrote:
>> Dan S. wrote:
>>> I like microwave popcorn, but sometimes I just buy the bag of regular
>>> corn and pop it in the wok.
>>> I use vegetable oil and it never comes out as crisp as the microwave
>>> stuff. In fact, you could almost say it's stale or chewy tasting.
>>> How can I remedy this?
>> Buy a microwave popper. I think I paid $6 for ours and it is over 5 years
>> old. Looks like a bowl with a loose fitting lid. No oil required and none
>> of the acrid exploding chemical factory smell you get from the fake
>> butter in bagged microwave popcorn.
> Also here is a link for the one we have:
> http://www.amazon.com/Nordic-Ware-Mi.../dp/B00004W4UP
I've been using this one regularly some 35 years... the butter melter is
kind of small/shallow and can be messy if over filled (which is easy to do
with solid butter) so I use a Pyrex cup in the microwave:
A trick to ensure more kernals pop and pop larger and crisper (regardless
which popping method) is to add a tsp of water to each pound of kernals, and
store in a tightly closed glass jar.... the corn that's sold in plastic bags
is typically overly dehydrated because those cheap bags are not airtight.