Jean B. wrote:
> Becca wrote:
>> Since I fell of the LC wagon, I've had so much fun. :-) It
>> is Mr. Bill's fault, for posting that Louisiana Butter Pecan Coffee
>> Cake recipe. I thought I was misbehaving when I made fruit salad. lol
>> Becca
> There is misbehaving, and then there is MISBEHAVING!
> I need to find some of the most-interesting things to make. It only
> occurred to me tonight that I could have made a lard pie crust for my
> Easter pie.
Sorry you didn't think of that. It has been so long since I used lard,
I doubt I would have remembered it, either. My mother seasoned her
cast iron skillets with lard and she used lard when she cooked
pancakes. It works for heating tortillas, since it has a low smoke point.
On Wikipedia, I was reading about Crisco, they say it has been used for
a sexual lubricant. I guess I didn't get out much. lol