Chicken again!!
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Chicken again!!
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Mr. Bill > wrote:
> On Wed, 15 Apr 2009 10:39:01 -0700 (PDT),
> >Nowadays it's unusual to see a recipe like that with no herbs
> We have become conditioned to believe we need to add all sorts of
> herbs and spices for flavor. It is amazing how the 'real' flavor can
> come through without the overtones of additives.
> A few weeks ago, we had guests for after church brunch. A woman
> commented that the scrambled eggs tasted so good...what did you put in
> them. I had to chuckle and say, "Nothing...that is what eggs taste
> like." They were just a slow scramble with a tablespoon of salted
> butter.
Salted butter _is_ a flavoring for eggs. <g> I do them the same way
except sometimes (not always), I'll add a little shredded cheese.
I know what you mean tho' about just enjoying natural flavors. Most of
the time with steamed veggies, I'll just leave them be and not add
Just depends on my mood.
Peace! Om
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass.
It's about learning to dance in the rain.
-- Anon.
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