On Apr 15, 6:09*pm, Damsel in dis Dress >
> On Wed, 15 Apr 2009 16:40:17 -0600, Christine Dabney
> > wrote:
> >On Wed, 15 Apr 2009 17:35:30 -0500, Damsel in dis Dress
> > wrote:
> >>That fits perfectly with Wayne's suggestion for cold beef! *I have
> >>some dreadfully tough steaks in the freezer that I plan to make chili
> >>with. *I'll save some out for a salad. *Maybe if I slice it thin
> >>enough, I'll actually be able to chew it. *
> >>Thanks, you two!
> >>Carol
> >Are they already cooked? *If not, make sure they are only cooked
> >medium at the most. *This salad I had was of rarish beef, sliced thin.
> >It was served with greens, and I forget what else, besides the corn
> >relish. *The relish was all mixed up in the salad.
> >I keep on meaning to try to recreate it.
> Nope, they're raw. *Medium-rare, check. *Slice across the grain, and
> at an angle?
> Carol
> --
> Change "invalid" to JamesBond's agent number to reply.
For heaven's sake, don't cook them any further if they are well sealed
and packed in a vinegar - sugar - salt brine. The corn relish may have
a clear slightly thickened "sauce" that's got cornstarch in it. On
second thought, do send them to me. I'll check 'em out. <vbg>
Lynn in Fargo