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Steve Pope Steve Pope is offline
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Default How did your Easter dinner turn out?

In all the SEAL discussion I forgot to answer this thread.

Easter dinner turned out fine. The lamb/goat meatball
appetizers were a big hit, and most people ate more than a few of them
once I signalled that the main course would be vegetarian.

I made a cous-cous with garbanzo beans, asparagus, and preserved
lemon. Alongside that a salad with three types of arugula (two
being the "wild" kind with very skinny leaves), cress, and apples.
Dessert was generously provided by a guest who brought several
flavors of ice cream from Tara (now in Berkeley, California but
formerly operating in Santa Fe).

Another of guest generously brought an N.V. Krug about six
years old, which was perfect, and we raided the cellar of
some 97 Bordeaux: Giscours, and Leoville-Barton. Be it said
the 97's are not too young to drink, but neither are they too old.
