Thread: Duck ideas
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Gregory Morrow[_234_] Gregory Morrow[_234_] is offline
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Default Duck ideas

Christine Dabney wrote:

> Heya folks,
> Trying to clear out my freezer...
> I bought a "partial" duck a month or two ago in one of the
> supermarkets. It had been marked down drastically, and it wasn't til
> I got home that I found out that the breasts, or most of the breasts
> had been removed. The rest of the duck is intact... I think it was
> sold reduced cause of the missing breasts..
> Anyway, I want to do something with it. For some reason, duck tacos
> keep going through my mind... I am thinking maybe I should roast the
> duck? Just a basic roast?
> This isn't the only thought....wondering if a braised dish would be
> good as well...
> I have been pouring through all my cookbooks and online sources and
> did find a Mark Bittman post somewhere about Crisp Braised Duck..which
> looks simple enough.
> Before I go with that, does anyone have a better idea?

I'd say this:

Roast the duck. Get what meat you can off of the carcass and reserve that.
Then make stock outta the remains of the carcass. You can do this in a
crockpot or stock is wonderful and it's a VERY rich and
flavorful can be a meal by itself in fact.

With the stock and what duck meat you have make duck gumbo, meat - wise
you'll want to add some andouille or smoked sausage (Polish is fine) if you
have it. You can also add chicken if you have some around (I know you have
things stocked and that you want to use them up, being economical and

You will have a GREAT meal, I'd serve the duck gumbo over rice...

You don't have much meat in the first place to work with, with making gumbo
or such like you'll "stretch" what you have and have a flavorful meal...

There are tons of gumbo recipes, Paul Prudhomme's webite, IIRC it's
something like has plenty of recipes...

OH! If you have any sweet potatoes, duck goes GREAT with sweet
potatoes...another component of Cajun cookery. You could simply put the
sweet potaters in with the gumbo...or beans in for a cassoulet - type
effect. Whatever, you've got the basis for a tasty and nourishing meal,
with not a lot of monetary expenditure...

Duck is great because it is rich and so you can really stretch do
not need a large amount to make a tasty repast...

Greg the Quack ;-)