Popcorn issues
On Apr 16, 11:07 pm, sf > wrote:
> On Thu, 16 Apr 2009 12:42:09 -0700 (PDT),
> wrote:
> >On Apr 15, 10:26 pm, sf > wrote:
> >> I've heard a paper bag works for popping corn, but never had success
> >> with it. Urban legend? I dunno.
> >sf has me kill-filed! :-)
> I do *NOT*!!!
> <shocked look>
> Did my server drop a post or have I killed another persona?
I dunno, but see my post in this thread from the day before. It's the
only way I do popcorn any more.
(Except for last Saturday, when we got a new microwave cart and the
damn microwave oven wouldn't work after we moved it - or so my wife
said. Desperate for popcorn, I tried the oil-in-the-covered-pan-on-
the-stove method and blew it completely. I must have used too hot a
burner, ended up scorching most of it, and had to toss it. The next
day I tried the microwave and it was working fine. Grrrr.)
Silvar Beitel
(occasional poster)