On Apr 17, 8:36*pm, Rhonda Anderson > wrote:
> Bobo Bonobo® > wrote :
> > I was bitten pretty severely by a cat too. *Within a week, the cat was
> > dead. *I'll never get back that $25 that my wife insisted I pay to get
> > a trap and have it euthanized by a vet. *We lived in Florida. *The
> > soil was sandy. *I had a shovel. *All it would have cost was half a
> > buck for a can of wet food to distract it while I delivered a fatal
> > blow. *Instant, skull crushing death. *We lived right next to a small
> > wooded area. *Twenty five bucks.
> I'd be interested to know the circumstances of the bite. Sitting quietly on
> your porch when the cat appeared out of nowhere and attacked you? Or were
> you interacting with the cat in some way?
It was a stray, and I pitied it because it was skinny. I started
giving it food out in front of the apartment, and I'd pet it and it'd
nuzzle me. Once, I let it inside because we were having a little 15
minute thunderstorm. I fed it and pet it, and when it was time for it
to leave, I opened the door and tried to coax it. Next I tried to
gently shoo it out. Finally, I picked it up, and it lit into me in a
very bloody way.
I am not concerned with fault of any of that, which I consider
nonsense when an animal attacks a human. I like cats. I'm a cat
person, but an animal who bites with that ferocity is a threat to our
> --
> Rhonda Anderson
> Cranebrook, NSW, Australia
--Bryan, aka Bobo Bonobo