On Apr 17, 8:43*pm, "Michael \"Dog3\"" > wrote:
> Bobo Bonobo® :in
> rec.food.cooking
> > IIRC, the AH had assured the family of the little girl that the dog
> > was "friendly."
> Yes, I believe you're correct but it was when the dog got away from it's
> owner. *The child was bitten when the owner had taken the dog back and
> resumed her line at the check out. *Correct me if I'm wrong here.
> > If it had been my child, the owner would have 3 choices:
> > 1. Have the dog peacefully put down.
> ROFLMAO... Good luck!
> > 2. Hide the dog where I couldn't get to it.
> > 3. Risk having the dog die a far more painful and prolonged death.
> > Few things are easier to kill than a dog. *They'll eat damned near
> > anything, and this time we wouldn't be talking capsaicin.
> We all know how you enjoy tormenting and torturing animals. You've
> admitted to such. *I believe we had a discussion on this once before and
> I called you a coward. *My opinion of you still holds. *Your bragging
> about your demented fantasies regarding the torture and murder of animals
> has been well documented on Usenet.
> > An excerpt from the Test of the Gom Jabbar, from the first Dune book:
> I haven't read a Dune book since I was probably 12 and I could care less
> what the author says regarding humanity.
You are a traitor to the human species. You have become part dog.
> Michael
--Bryan, aka Bobo Bonobo