Suggestions for a Frenched Prime Pork Rib?
On Sat, 05 Jun 2004 16:47:30 -0600, Kevin S. Wilson >
>On Sat, 05 Jun 2004 22:36:15 GMT, Harry Demidavicius
> wrote:
>>I buy those all the time. There are some decent Crown rack recipes in
>>Epicurious that you can adapt. I usually cut a 10 ribber in half and
>>make two cooks out of it. It makes a great meal [1 rib/person];
>>tender and juicy. I run at 375F on the K [with a baffle] for 20
>>min/lb or until meat reaches 135F internal. It rests out to 142-3F
>>when you tent it. Spice with your regular pork mixture.
>Thanks, Harry. I'll save this post and follow your advice.
>> If I was
>>doing the whole 10 ribs, I'd still cut into 2 fives and join them so
>>the bones cross like swords at a military wedding.
>Yup. Saw a pic online of one done that way. Looked very appealing.
>But one rib per person? Not for this person.
When you slice, make each cut right against the rib - this makes the
rib 'off-centre' and provides a generous serving of delicious pork.
Ours weigh out at 6-9 ozs per rib - depending on the size of the
porker. But - if there's just two of you for dinner and that's 2
ribs each and one to fight over later for schnackens.
The two end ribs are the largest. Eat two of those and pretty soon
you'll need a larger belt ;0)