Chicken soup and other sick foods
"Giusi" > wrote in message
> "Serene Vannoy" ha scritto nel messaggio
>> I know we've had this thread before, but what do you eat when you're
>> sick?
>> Serene
> I used to love hot and sour soup when I had a bad throat or a cold, but
> that was when I could get it from a carryout. I'd never start mincing and
> slcing etc. when I am reaaly ill!
I want chicken broth out of the can with cayenne pepper and three cloves of
fresh garlic smashed and chopped, simmered on low for maybe ten minutes.
This is for congestion an flu type things. For headaches or stomach things
(which seem to be related for me) I need to hurl then be unconscious in the
dark for 5-10 hours. No light, no movement, no sound.