The Huntress Returns
In article >,
George Shirley > wrote:
> Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> > I picked up six rib steaks at Cub this morning; they are on sale for
> > $5.89/lb. I think they're usually about $9/lb. They are thicker than
> > I like (about 1-1/2" thick) and weigh between 1.33# and 1.6# each. I've
> > vacuum-sealed five of them in Ziploc vac bags and we'll have the other
> > one for dinner tonight.
> >
> > My plan is to either grill them as they are or to rub them with
> > something first. I'm inclined to the former, boring cook that I am.
> >
> > The question is this: Can I, or should I, be doing something with the
> > bone that's going to come off each one? I maybe should've trimmed the
> > bone before I froze them. Phooey! Then I'd have six bones to do
> > something with all at once. But I didn't. So, can I accumulate these
> > bones over the summer and then "do something" with them when all the
> > meat eating's been done? Or should I just ditch the bone and be done
> > with it?
> >
> > Whaddaya think? I await your counsel.
> If you're interested in making beef stock save them up and then do them
> all at once. I have three bags in the freezer, beef, turkey, chicken.
> There's also a container of shrimp stock but I do that anytime I buy
> fresh shrimp off the boat.
Mm, Shrimp HEADS imho make the best shrimp stock of all...
Peace! Om
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass.
It's about learning to dance in the rain.
-- Anon.