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Goomba[_2_] Goomba[_2_] is offline
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Default Bad Chef....bad...bad....bad....

Dale P wrote:

> I have never been to Savannah, but have always wanted to visit. The
> antibelum is reputed to be fantastic. I hear that the old cemetery is
> beautiful. My partner has NO interest in visitng there. WELL, guess
> what, a friend and I will be visiting Savannah in late May. I am really
> looking forward to it. Any suggestions for sights to see, etc. We will
> not have a lot of time, probably one day. Is Lady and Sons worth the
> effort to have lunch or dinner? Do you have any other suggestions for a
> good, moderate priced restaurant? We usually eat a large lunch or a
> large dinner, but not both.

I wouldn't waste my time on Paula Deen's restaurant after the one time
I ate there. Overpriced cafeteria style food. I can get *that* stuff
anyplace and at home. I don't go out to eat homestyle foods, I go out to
eat special things, or things that are complicated to make or that I
can't do. I think people (and the busses of tourits) go there now just
in hopes of seeing a celebrity.
How much friend chicken, boiled cabbage, macaroni and cheese do you
like? Saddle up to the trough there and you can have all you want. Ugh.
If you want that kind of food-just go to a Cracker Barrel. Same.