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Mr. Bill[_2_] Mr. Bill[_2_] is offline
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Default Bad Chef....bad...bad....bad....

On Sat, 18 Apr 2009 13:56:25 -0700, sf > wrote:

>I'm not familiar with that show. Are you an employee or live/work

Shelly Mangrum, Miss Tennessee 1984, hosted a show at HGTV here in
Knoxville back in the 80's into the 90's. It was called Club Dance
coming from the White Horse Saloon....(just a TV set, not a real
"bar"). It was a country western version of Dick Clark's American

Shows were filmed on Friday and Saturday night. They would do two
shows each night....1-9p and 10-12p. You had to bring two or three
different "costumes" and change between filming. They would film an
entire season in six or seven weekends. It was all packaged and
produced to appear as a daily show. They welcomed people to come
and dance. It was a fun time.