Anyone made their own yoghurt?
On Sun, 19 Apr 2009 09:47:52 -1000, dsi1 >
>zxcvbob wrote:
>> I make it a quart at a time (although it's almost as cheap to buy plain
>> yogurt in quart cartons.) I use powdered milk mixed extra strong,
>> unless I get a good deal on 2% or whole milk at the store, then I use
>> that but fortify it with a little milk powder. Heat to about 180°,
>> allow to cool to 105°, stir in about 1/4 cup of good commercial yogurt.
>> Incubate overnight in a huge plastic insulated mug with a lid. Have to
>> cover it with a towel because the lid is not insulated. I'm not sure
>> why it works better to cook the milk first and then let it cool, but the
>> resulting yogurt is noticeably thickerer.
>You heat the milk to rid it of competing microorganisms - at least
>that's my understanding. You could probably just let the milk sit out
>and turn on it's own accord and get something that looks like yogurt
>too. I wouldn't eat it though...
Ewwww! The article said something about heating the milk changing the
proteins so that they make 'sturdier' yoghurt. Plus it kills off any
bacteria that you DON'T want in the finished product.
>> I like to use fruit-on-bottom yogurt for the initial starter, scooping
>> out about half to inoculate the new batch and *then* I stir it.
>That's cheating - I've done that. :-) I'll eat the top part of the
>yogurt first without stirring so the remainder has a better fruit/yogurt
>ratio. :-)