"Thechefkat" > wrote in message

> Please share a tried & true recipe for a very moist pineapple upside down
> cake using brown sugar. The recipe I used below seemed to have too much
> cake batter; thus too thick & dry. Need a good recipe that will be more
> syrupy. Thanks gang. ck
> 2/3 cup butter
> 3/4 cup brown sugar
> Place butter & brown sugar in cast iron fry pan & melt until boiling &
> bubbles.
> 1 can pineapple slices
> whole maraschino cherries
> Place pineapple slices in butter & sugar mixture. Put cherries in center
> of pineapple. Cut remaining pineapple slices into halves & use to line
> sides of fry pan (standing up on edge).
> Prepare cake batter & pour over pineapple & cherries.
> SCRATCH CAKE: 1 cup flour, 1 tsp. baking powder, 1/2 tsp. salt, 2 eggs,
> 2/3 cup sugar, 1/4 cup milk. Combine ingredients & beat 1-2 minute.
> Bake at 350°F for 35-45 min. When cake is done, loosen edges with knife.
> Remove from heat & let sit 4-5 min.; turn upside down onto serving dish,
> shake pan gently & lift off skillet.
Make one yesterday - about the 3rd in as many months
Easy version
1 box yellow or lemon cake mix.
use the juice from the pineapple can in place of water.
Generously butter the bottom of the Cast Iron Pan
Sprinkle Brown sugar over the butter.
Place the pineapple slices over the sugar
Place a cherry in the middle of each pineapple slice.
Pour the cake mix over the whole mess.
Bake as directed - Usually takes a little longer than the package directions
IMHO loosen the sides and flip ASAP so the sugar butter does not have a
chance to set.