On Apr 20, 1:43*pm, Lin > wrote:
> For my birthday (not till the 29th) Bob bought me an outdoor, infrared
> gas grill -- The Char-Broil commercial grade Quantum. It's being
> delivered tomorrow. I brought home the manual so I could read up on it
> before it gets here. It will already be fully assembled (big yay!) There
> are a couple of recipes by Chef Marvin Woods in the back of the manual
> that look tasty. One is for Jamaican Jerk Pork Tenderloins and the other
> for a chicken breast salad.
> But maybe I should choose some sort of easy "getting to know you" recipe
> like burgers or dogs. Anybody have experience with the infrared grills
> and if so what tips and tricks do you offer?
> I suppose I should migrate to a more appropriate group for grilling, but
> I thought I would hit you guys up for tips first. I'm pretty damned good
> with charcoal and regular gas grilling, but this is a whole other animal
> -- though the manual says that temperature and time it's closer to charcoal.
> It sure is a purty thang ....
> http://www.charbroil.com/Consumer/Pr...px?ProductSeri...
> --Lin (instead of candles on a cake, I get four burners and a side burner!)
I guess the economy isn't hurting some folks.