On Mon 20 Apr 2009 01:43:06p, Lin told us...
> For my birthday (not till the 29th) Bob bought me an outdoor, infrared
> gas grill -- The Char-Broil commercial grade Quantum. It's being
> delivered tomorrow. I brought home the manual so I could read up on it
> before it gets here. It will already be fully assembled (big yay!) There
> are a couple of recipes by Chef Marvin Woods in the back of the manual
> that look tasty. One is for Jamaican Jerk Pork Tenderloins and the other
> for a chicken breast salad.
> But maybe I should choose some sort of easy "getting to know you" recipe
> like burgers or dogs. Anybody have experience with the infrared grills
> and if so what tips and tricks do you offer?
> I suppose I should migrate to a more appropriate group for grilling, but
> I thought I would hit you guys up for tips first. I'm pretty damned good
> with charcoal and regular gas grilling, but this is a whole other animal
> -- though the manual says that temperature and time it's closer to
> charcoal.
> It sure is a purty thang ....
> http://www.charbroil.com/Consumer/Pr...roductSeriesID
> =430
> --Lin (instead of candles on a cake, I get four burners and a side
> burner!)
First off, may you have the happiest of birthdays, Lin!!!
That's a gorgeous grill! <says Wayne who is turning green>
FIrst meal? New recipes are always great to try, but my own preference
would be for something tried and true that you're used to making, just to
get the feel of the new grill. Actually, the first thing I'd cook on it
for myself would be burgers and brats. :-)
Wayne Boatwright
Tell me what you eat, I'll tell you who you are. ~Anthelme Brillat