Chili beans
Julie Bove wrote:
> I love the canned chili beans you can buy in a store. But they are too high
> in carbs due to the sugar. I would like to make some at home, perhaps using
> Splenda as a sweetener. I probably wouldn't actually can them because all I
> have is the boiling water bath. But I could freeze the extras.
> Does anyone have a recipe? I have only found one and it uses both chopped
> onions, chopped tomatoes and golden syrup. So it doesn't seem like the end
> result would be like the canned beans.
> Thanks!
If you can find a recipe for the beans using sugar you can substitute
Splenda teaspoon for teaspoon. I don't know about golden syrup, haven't
even seen any since we came home from the Middle East twenty-three years
Another suggestion would be to blend in your ingredients in small
batches until you get the taste you want then go for larger amounts.
Freezing would be your only option if you don't have a pressure canner.