Another mayo failure
Becca wrote:
> Today, the family is meeting at Mom's house and we are having lunch. She
> likes Forgotten Cookies, and it always leaves me with 2 egg yolks. Once
> again, I tried to make mayo, this time using Alton Brown's recipe, and
> again it was a failure. This happens every 2-3 years, when I try to make
> mayo, but it is always such a sad disappointment.
> Mayo, who needs it anyway! Next time I have a couple of egg yolks, I
> will make sugar-free lemon curd. It always turns out well. :-)
Next time save the yolks for a bowl of tomato egg drop soup... a can of
tomato sauce with three cans of water, s n' p and slightly thicken with a
bit of corn starch slurry and twirl in the beaten egg... goes great with a
BLT w/Hellman's.
I don't believe any of these people make their own mayo, not a one... who's
going to believe that these TIAD folks who relish canned cream of 'shroom
with tuna and store brand yellow singles know one mayo from another... I'm
positive that the best mayo they know is in those little packets they lift
from the fast food joints, at least it's Hellman's, at home they use the
cheapest generic they can find... home made mayo their lying ass. They no
more make mayo than then they make ketchup. The finast 5 Star eaterys on
the planet buy their mayo in 5 gallon contractor's pails and it doesn't even
have a brand name, totally generic.