Goomba wrote:
> Arri London wrote:
> >> This is THE hot fudge sauce for me-
> >
> >
> > Does that harden at room temperature?
> > The best hot fudge sauce I've ever had was what we used at my first
> > 'culinary' job in secondary school. It came in large blocks and went
> > into a cutesy 'kettle' for warming up. The surface in contact with the
> > ice cream hardened again while the rest of the sauce stayed hot and
> > liquid.
> Um... I have no clue?? When I make it I serve it hot, or I refrigerate
> the leftovers and it certainly gets solid then. I've never bothered
> keeping it at room temp.
TY. Worth a try. Most of what is passed off as 'hot fudge' sauce is
really just thickened chocolate syrup. The closest I came to making any
was with a standard chocolate fudge recipe that required 'one can of
evaporated milk'. Recipe didn't state what size can (so chose the
larger) and it ended up not really hardening at room temp. Was good on
the the ice cream though