New - 7 oz. cans
Janet Bostwick wrote:
> While shopping at Costco today, I noticed that all the packs of Chicken of
> the Sea tuna cans were labeled New, 7 ounce cans. Wasn't there just a
> thread about tuna cans being 6 ounce and to be dropped to 5 ounce?
> Janet
More important than can size is price per ounce. Generally, the
downsizing of products is a way to retain profits without raising the
price per can. Obviously, you can't keep doing this for very long.
Sooner or later you'll have to raise the price per can. My thinking is
that new improved larger sizes are mostly a way to hide price increases.
I recently opened up a bar of soap and was shocked to find that the
cardboard box hid a bar that was whittled down on the sides - no longer
was it a bar or plump oval but something that resembled a doggie bone.
What next? Chicken bones? :-)