Thread: Cats vs Dogs
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Omelet[_7_] Omelet[_7_] is offline
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Default Cats vs Dogs

In article >,
"brooklyn1" > wrote:

> "sf" wrote
> > How to Give a Cat a Pill posted by a moronic dumb **** snipped.
> >

> Instead:
> 1. Obtain pill crusher from any pharmacy.
> 2. Mix crushed pill with cat's favorite canned food, shrimp works fine.
> 3. Feed cat.

My cats trust me.

I snuggle them for a minute, open their mouth with my left hand and drop
the pill into the back of their throat. I'm quick about it. I then hold
their mouth shut with their heads up and stroke their throat.

My vet showed me how to do it and it works fine.

But, the main thing is that your cat trusts you not to hurt it in the
first place, so they cooperate with that first step.

I've never had to wrap one in a towel.

While Sheldon's method is good, it won't work with a really sick cat
that's refusing to eat.
Peace! Om

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass.
It's about learning to dance in the rain.
-- Anon.