Of BBQ and lizards...
Omelet wrote:
> Well, I roasted the beef ribs yesterday (6 lbs. of them for $.99 per
> lb.). Started them at 275 and set a timer for 3 hours. I also put 5
> turkey legs in the roaster for dad as he refuses to eat beef.
> I expected to take the turkey legs out after one hour. No way. They were
> still mostly raw, so I cranked the temp up to 325 and left them in the
> entire 2 hours.
> The turkey came out fine and I put them aside for dad.
> Now for my beef ribs... I'd seasoned them with soy sauce and some salt
> free fajita seasoning. I cut one and it was texture perfect, falling off
> the bone tender, but it ended up braised so tasted like stew meat. :-(
> Not what I was after at all!
> HEB puts cooking instructions on all their meat packing labels. This one
> said "braise then grill". So, what the heck? I did not originally want
> to smoke these but they are just not right, so I'm starting up my smoker
> for the first time in many months. Hackberry kindling and some mesquite
> wood.
> Had to remove lots of cobwebs (and yes it's got a cover over it) and
> chase out all the geckos. Hopefully at least! I started the fire in the
> smoke box and left the lids up. Hopefully any left hiding in there will
> clear out and not get cooked.
LOL! Every time I want to use the gas grill or the electric smoker I
have to thump them a couple of times so the Asian geckos will leave and
not get cooked. Persistent little devils.
We love our lizards though, have Texas anoles, Asian geckos, grey fence
lizards, skinks, and one I haven't seen enough of to identify as yet.
The geckos work the night shift scarfing bugs and the rest do the day
shift. Good critters to have around.
> I'll re-season the ribs a bit and smoke them curve up since there seems
> to still be plenty of fat on that side to baste them.
> I also took out more turkey drumsticks from the freezer since wood fires
> last a long time, and 4 ground beef patties.
> I'll smoke the ribs and drumsticks for an hour or so and see what
> happens.
What time do we eat? My mouth is watering, now I'm going to have to
figure out what to have for supper tonight that can be cooked outside.
It's starting out as a lovely day, sunshine, a little warm and humid but
fine at any rate. Another day in SW Louisiana.