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Omelet[_7_] Omelet[_7_] is offline
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Default Of BBQ and lizards...

In article >,
George Shirley > wrote:

> > Had to remove lots of cobwebs (and yes it's got a cover over it) and
> > chase out all the geckos. Hopefully at least! I started the fire in the
> > smoke box and left the lids up. Hopefully any left hiding in there will
> > clear out and not get cooked.

> LOL! Every time I want to use the gas grill or the electric smoker I
> have to thump them a couple of times so the Asian geckos will leave and
> not get cooked. Persistent little devils.

They are indeed. :-) I also generally check for gecko eggs.
Their eggs are HUGE compared to the size of even an adult gecko.

> We love our lizards though, have Texas anoles, Asian geckos, grey fence
> lizards, skinks, and one I haven't seen enough of to identify as yet.
> The geckos work the night shift scarfing bugs and the rest do the day
> shift. Good critters to have around.

I have all those too. Mostly geckos, anoles and western fence lizards
(blue bellies), but I've only ever seen one skink. I was delighted to
see it as they are pretty little things.

Lots of toads here too to work the "night shift"!

I love to have those predators around and avoid pesticides as much as I
can. I also have plenty of assassin bugs and some praying mantises, as
well as ladybird beetles.
Peace! Om

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass.
It's about learning to dance in the rain.
-- Anon.