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Omelet[_7_] Omelet[_7_] is offline
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Default Of BBQ and lizards...

In article > ,
PeterL > wrote:

> Omelet > wrote in newsmpomelet-120052.09005626042009
> > Had to remove lots of cobwebs (and yes it's got a cover over it) and
> > chase out all the geckos. Hopefully at least!

> As an aside to this........ 1975 in Malaya, we used to have a mobile food
> 'van' come around to our barracks. The dude cycling it couldn't speak much
> Engrish, but he had these things that looked like the good old Australian
> meat pie, except smaller. So we used to buy them and eat them with gusto.
> Well, the other guys did, until they finally got the name out of the vendor.
> "Gecko pies".
> And if we had bothered to look closely, you could see the different parts of
> the Geckos body. BTW, Geckos over there grow to be *huge*!!
> I enjoyed Gecko pies for the whole time I was there. It used to gross out the
> rest of the guys in my Section/Platoon :-)

<lol> You'd have to use at least 100 Mediterranean geckos from here to
make a pie!

ages/h-h-turcicus.html&h=412&w=640&sz=142&tbnid=A14Qm_l7bNK HbM::&tbnh=88&
tbnw=137&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dmediterranean%2Bgecko&hl=en&usg=__B2Q MmC72nkk
JN9778f7YD57mkko=&ei=jXL0SZ_3MNKLtgeG1OnBDw&sa=X&o i=image_result&resnum=1



But, I have seen some other very large Geckos for sale in the pet shops
of various species.

I'd rather try Iguana. More efficient. <g>
And they make nice boots. I have a pair of Iguana Justin cowboy boots
I've had for several years.
Peace! Om

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass.
It's about learning to dance in the rain.
-- Anon.