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PeterL[_17_] PeterL[_17_] is offline
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Default Of BBQ and lizards...

Omelet > wrote in
> In article > ,
> PeterL > wrote:
>> Omelet > wrote in
>> newsmpomelet-120052.09005626042009
>> > Had to remove lots of cobwebs (and yes it's got a cover over it) and
>> > chase out all the geckos. Hopefully at least!

>> As an aside to this........ 1975 in Malaya, we used to have a mobile
>> food 'van' come around to our barracks. The dude cycling it couldn't
>> speak much Engrish, but he had these things that looked like the good
>> old Australian meat pie, except smaller. So we used to buy them and eat
>> them with gusto. Well, the other guys did, until they finally got the
>> name out of the vendor.
>> "Gecko pies".
>> And if we had bothered to look closely, you could see the different
>> parts of the Geckos body. BTW, Geckos over there grow to be *huge*!!
>> I enjoyed Gecko pies for the whole time I was there. It used to gross
>> out the rest of the guys in my Section/Platoon :-)

> <lol> You'd have to use at least 100 Mediterranean geckos from here to
> make a pie!

> <>

Small buggers.

Samesame for the geckos here. But SEAsia has some huge suckers!!

> But, I have seen some other very large Geckos for sale in the pet shops
> of various species.
> I'd rather try Iguana. More efficient. <g>

Mmmmmmmmmm, more meat. When we were on the boat from our resort to the local
eating places in KL, one trip there we had to slow down because this bloody
great lizard was swimming across the canal in front of us!!

I was taking a video at the time, so I'll have to go in and find it and put
it up on the web.

> And they make nice boots. I have a pair of Iguana Justin cowboy boots
> I've had for several years.

Next you'll tell me you're into 'boot-scootin' line dancin'!!

But talking animals........ I like shark skin on my knife handles.

Peter Lucas

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