What is it with people here and egg yolks?
Jean B. wrote:
> Omelet wrote:
>> In article
>> >,
>> Bobo Bonobo® > wrote:
>>> On Apr 26, 4:55 am, Omelet > wrote:
>>>> In article
>>>> >,
>>>> Bobo Bonobo® > wrote:
>>>>> On Apr 25, 10:26 pm, Omelet > wrote:
>>>>>> In article >,
>>>>>> "Ed Pawlowski" > wrote:
>>>>>>> "JonquilJan" > wrote in message
>>>>>>>> I like the whites better than the yolks.
>>>>>>> You can have mine. I like to eat the white first, then take that
>>>>>>> yolk on
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> fork and take it in one bite with buttered bread. Best part of
>>>>>>> breakfast.
>>>>>> <lol> I eat the whites first too, then pop the entire yolk into my
>>>>>> mouth and let that gooey goodness dribble over my tongue.
>>>>>> I just eat them by themselves.
>>>>> You have both self-identified yourselves as fellow hedonists. I
>>>>> should say, *fellow* self-identified hedonists. 100% solid white +
>>>>> 100% liquid yolk = perfectly cooked egg. It's like the calculus. You
>>>>> infinitely approach.
>>>>> --Bryan
>>>> Life is grand. :-)
>>>> And eggs are cheap.
>>> I bet Julia Child never avoided egg yolks, and she lived into her 90s.
>>> A couple of weeks ago, our local Aldi had 1 doz lg for 89 cents.
>> I mostly baste eggs. I get good results that way and it only takes 2
>> to 3 minutes.
>> Seriously cheap source of quality protein. Many body builders go thru
>> 1 to 2 dozen per day!
>> Egg albumin is the #2 most absorbable protein source, second only to
>> whey protein.
>> But I like eggs better. ;-d
> I love eggs too. They are so versatile--and, as you say, a cheap and
> great source of protein. In fact, I just finished an open-faced egg
> salad sandwich (now made with copious amounts of black and white pepper).
We had a fritatta (fritata) for dinner last night. I had some bits of
red, green, yellow and orange peppers that were already diced. I added
some fresh herbs from the garden, a little chopped sweet onion and some
mixed exotic mushroom pieces. Topped it off with a couple of slices of
asadero cheese, a Mexican mozzarella. Served it with a salad.
Janet Wilder
Bad spelling. Bad punctuation
Good Friends. Good Life