I made some creamed spinach with Parmesan cheese, here's what I did
I followed a basic creamed spinach recipe and added the cheese and
some nutmeg to the white sauce.
First I gathered the ingredients. The nutmeg was to late for the photo
Diced up an onion
and some garlic
I started the spinach before I made the white sauce. I cooked some
onion until translucent and added the galic. Once the onion and garlic
were ready I folded in the spinach. This was all the further I wanted
the spinach to go because I knew it would wilt a little more in the
white sauce.
I added the flour to the melted butter in a 12" skillet. Whisk, whisk,
and cook, cook, you want to make a light roux here.
Whisking like mad I added the milk to the roux. Stirring constantly
over a med low heat until the sauce thickened, now is when a little
fresh nutmeg is grated in. But instead drop it into the sauce. grrrrrr
After fishing the nutmeg out is when the grated Parmesan cheese is
added and stirred in to make a rich creamy sauce.
Now I folded the wilted spinach and onion mix into the sauce.
Really delicious.
There is no love more sincere than the love of food
George Bernard Shaw
updated 04/26