KenK said...
> Anyone successfully made these?
> Store bought are too expensive and fatty for me - 1 oz. = 15 chips = 10
> fat. Ridiculous! And the prices of the low fat and fat free chips hovers
> near the price of gold.
> I suspect they require French frying so it's probably not possible to
> a low fat version at home. But there's a baked Lays low fat version that
> taste good; possibly these can be reproduced at home?
> Ken
You certainly can make them at home. The underlying problem is volume. It's
pretty time consuming to make what amounts to a $1.00 bag of chips.
If you can shave them paper thin with a mandolin (rhymed!) and bake them on
a cookie sheet with parchment and lightly spray them with a neutral flavor
oil, you'd probably get good results, albeit, small yield.
The mandolin I have lets me make waffle cut potato chips. Slice, rotate
90°, slice, rotate 90°, you know the drill? That was fun maybe twice!
Ruffles (ridges) potato chips can surely be a homemade challenge.
Eat first, talk later.