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KenK KenK is offline
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Default Homemade potato chips?

Andy > wrote in :

> Ken,
> You certainly can make them at home. The underlying problem is volume.
> It's pretty time consuming to make what amounts to a $1.00 bag of
> chips.
> If you can shave them paper thin with a mandolin (rhymed!) and bake
> them on a cookie sheet with parchment and lightly spray them with a
> neutral flavor oil, you'd probably get good results, albeit, small
> yield.

You're right. I didn't think of that. A sheet or two of chips wouldn't
amount to much. The propane used by the oven would cost more than the
chips would cost.


> The mandolin I have lets me make waffle cut potato chips. Slice,
> rotate 90ø, slice, rotate 90ø, you know the drill? That was fun maybe
> twice!
> Ruffles (ridges) potato chips can surely be a homemade challenge.
> Best,
> Andy

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