Homemade potato chips?
KenK said...
>> Ken,
>> You certainly can make them at home. The underlying problem is volume.
>> It's pretty time consuming to make what amounts to a $1.00 bag of
>> chips.
>> If you can shave them paper thin with a mandolin (rhymed!) and bake
>> them on a cookie sheet with parchment and lightly spray them with a
>> neutral flavor oil, you'd probably get good results, albeit, small
>> yield.
> You're right. I didn't think of that. A sheet or two of chips wouldn't
> amount to much. The propane used by the oven would cost more than the
> chips would cost.
For Heaven sakes, at least try it once then get back to us!
"'Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all."
Eat first, talk later.