Vilco wrote on Wed, 29 Apr 2009 21:39:30 +0200:
>> I never use a formal recipe
> Same here
>> I saute a lot of chopped garlic in olive oil and then add my
>> peeled, seeded and crushed or diced plum tomatoes, then cook
>> it down with some herbs like basil and thyme and sometimes
>> parsely. Finish with salt to taste. It's meant to be a
>> quick and very fresh sauce. Goes incredibly well with fish.
My own recipe for marinara sauce is similar but I'll just add my notes,
that in addition to parsely, I think these are good (IMHO, necessary)
but to each their own!
For six servings.:
1 tsp thyme,
Few leaves of basil,
1 tsp or much more oregano,
½ cup chopped onion,
1 tab vinegar
James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland
Email, with obvious alterations: