Marinara sauces
bob > wrote:
> "Marinara" or "Salsa Marinara" is the name of the salsa or sauce that
> can be eaten on pasta either with or without seafood.
> "Seafood Marinara" is seafood in Marinara sauce.
> What seafood you use is up to you and I'll just be using clam meat in
> the one I'm making for six on Monday with garlic bread and a green
> salad. But sometimes I use both clams and mussels, and others I add
> prawns to the shellfish. And a friend goes crazy and serves hers with
> clams, mussels, prawns, calamari and chunks of fish. I might try doing
> that next time. It's very filling and tastes wonderful.
What I meant was, that in a restaurant (here in Australia) if you order "Pasta
Marinara", you expect to be served seafood as the main ingredient. In good places
it is usually a mixture of lots of shellfish and a bit of fish. Obviously, the
more and better the fish, the more expensive the dish becomes. You would never be
served it without seafood. Here, calling it "Seafood Marinara" is redundant.
Judy -- some quotes perceptive, some pedestrian, none mine :-)
At best, life is a spiral and never a pendulum. What has been done
cannot be undone.