Arri London said...
> Andy wrote:
>> I'll never!!!
>> I'll never put a dime into buying a Flat!
>> Never ever ever!
>> Especially not to rescue Chrysler.
>> Who's the fool?
>> Flat is the no purpose car company America ever heard of.
>> Name a flat model off the top of your head!??
>> Andy
>> --
>> Eat first, talk later.
> No idea what a 'flat' is. But my first car was a Fiat. Put 85,000 miles
> on it (in addition to the 30,000 on it when bought) before it fell apart
> completely. Four cylinders but no problem getting 85+ MPH on the
> motorway
I can't remember the last time I saw a Fiat car TV commercial.
What chance of breaking down and getting back on the road in less than a
few days would I have?
Eat first, talk later.