In article >,
Goomba > wrote:
> Lynn from Fargo Ografmorffig wrote:
> > On Apr 30, 12:12 pm, Dave Smith > wrote:
> >
> >> I was listening to a program on the radio yesterday that reported there
> >> is no link to pigs, You don't get the virus from pigs. You cannot get it
> >> from eating the meat. There is nothing to be worried about with pork
> >> products.
> >
> > YOU know that and I know that but think about all those idiots out
> > there who only listen to Country Music, not National Public Radio.
> > Lynn in Fargo
> I don't think the folks in Egypt who are slayng pigs listen to country
> or NPR. And would NPR really presume to suggest that listening to
> country music makes one stupid? I hear a lot of various countries folk
> music on NPR....
They are slayng pigs in Egypt? I never. Country music don't make you
stupid. Ask Willy Nelson. 'Course, he self medicates ;O)
- Billy
"For the first time in the history of the world, every human being
is now subjected to contact with dangerous chemicals, from the
moment of conception until death." - Rachel Carson