ARRRG noob alert
Dirty Harry wrote:
> So I'm poor with only a normal gas grill to work with right now. I just
> got an oven thermometer and found out I've been smoking stuff with way to
> high a heat(275F+). Luckily I've been doing stuff like pork tenderloin and
> chicken which turned out just find. Tonight I got some ribs so I really
> want to get the heat down. Seem the lowest I can get without cracking the
> lid a bit is about 250. I know your all pros here but does anyone use their
> normal grill for smoking and can you give me any tips. Thanks
> PS the good eats clay pot smoker is in the works but I still want some tips
> cause I'll be smoking stuff at the lake on what ever grill they have
> around...Thanks
I couldn't get my cheap gasser below 275 either, and that was in the
dead of night. Once the sun hit it, it went over 300. But it turned
out some good smoked ribs anyway. Took only 3 hours.
Nathan Lau
San Jose, CA
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