I'll never!!!
blake murphy wrote:
> On Thu, 30 Apr 2009 12:33:18 -0500, Andy wrote:
> > Pennyaline said...
> >
> >> Andy wrote:
> >>> I'll never!!!
> >>>
> >>> I'll never put a dime into buying a Flat!
> >>>
> >>> Never ever ever!
> >>>
> >>> Especially not to rescue Chrysler.
> >>>
> >>> Who's the fool?
> >>>
> >>> Flat is the no purpose car company America ever heard of.
> >>>
> >>> Name a flat model off the top of your head!??
> >>
> >> What the **** are you talking about?
> >>
> >> What is a "Flat," and what does "the no purpose car company America
> >> heard of" mean?
> >>
> >> Work out what you're ranting about first, then come back and write
> >> something that means something.
> >
> > Pennyaline,
> >
> > I never claimed I was a full time comedian.
> >
> > Meanwhile, where's your sense of humor gone off to???
> >
> > Andy
> actually, there is something a *little* funny about a comedian who blames
> his audience when his stupid jokes don't go over well.
A black guy walks into a bar with his pet parrot perched on his shoulder...
The bartender looks at the guy and sez: "Where'd you get him?"...
The parrot replies: "Africa!"
"The trouble with socialism is that you eventually run out of other
people's money."~~~~Margaret Thatcher