Got a kamado #4 $20 on ebay!!!!!!!
JakBQuik wrote:
> "Guppy21014" > wrote in message
> ...
>> Advice is welcomed. Pam
> First, read the FAQ from this forum. That'll get you all the info
> you need to get you going.
> Then, go buy a nice Kamado-style....(analog dial with a
> probe)...thermometer and a quick read food thermometer....I have the
> kind that sanitarians use.
> Start with a Boston Butt for pulled pork, because it is very
> forgiving.
> Get a V-rack and put in on a heat deflector like a pizza stone. The
> meat goes on the V-rack. Your #4 K should handle 2 butts nicely.
> Use lump not briquettes.
> Use hickory or pecan.....not mesquite.
> Don't use petroleum charcoal starters. Use either a chimney or those
> paraffin-impregnated blocks to start your fire.
> Get your fire to 250 degrees. Put your meat on for about 12
> hours....take it off when the internal temp is around 190-195, wrap
> it in foil and put it in an ice chest with newspapers on top for
> about 2 hours.
> Then, using your hands or forks, pull the meat apart, eat on buns or
> in tortillas.
> YUM!
Nice, concise summary, Jak. You hit all the important points, though I
don't bother with a V-rack for butts.
Jack Curry