Thread: Pork Butt ??
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Nancy2 Nancy2 is offline
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Default Pork Butt ??

On May 1, 2:41*pm, Sky > wrote:
> I just could not resist when at the grocery store earlier today. *Pork
> Butt was on sale for $0.99/lb, so I bought a small one that's just shy
> of 7 pounds. *Now what do I do with it???? <VBG> *I have never ever
> cooked one of these "beasts" before! *I do not have a gas grill, and my
> charcoal grill is not really up to the task for "low & slow" -- or
> perhaps I mean I'd rather not tend that grill to maintain the charcoal
> whilst cooking 8-) *Alas, it's one of those Hormel butts that has "up to
> twelve percent solution" added to enhance flavor (oh well).
> Of course, I could (and probably will) google, but I'd rather ask 'here'
> on RFC first, so now y'all are "it" - hehehe. *What suggestions do y'all
> have to prepare & cook this rather large pork roast for both the oven
> and the grill? *I feel like experimenting ;D
> Sky, who'll probably use the oven but isn't sure
> P.S. *The pork butt will be consumed by me and hopefully Spouse, too.
> --
> Ultra Ultimate Kitchen Rule - Use the Timer!
> Ultimate Kitchen Rule -- Cook's Choice!!

The best use of a pork butt (or pork shoulder) is to put it in the
crockpot and when it's finished (long and slow), take it out, dump the
excess liquid out of the pot, pull the meat apart with forks or
fingers, douse it in BBQ sauce, put it back in the pot to heat
through, and make pulled pork samwiches. Yummy!

I generally put it in with some sliced or quarter chunks of onion,
garlic, various spices, salt & pepper, and just about a half cup of
liquid - chicken stock, veg stock, or the like - about 6-8 hours on
low should do it.
