Thread: Pork Butt ??
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Sky Sky is offline
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Default Pork Butt ??

l, not -l wrote:
> On 1-May-2009, Sky > wrote:
> > I just could not resist when at the grocery store earlier today. Pork
> > Butt was on sale for $0.99/lb, so I bought a small one that's just shy
> > of 7 pounds. Now what do I do with it???? <VBG> I have never ever
> > cooked one of these "beasts" before! I do not have a gas grill, and my
> > charcoal grill is not really up to the task for "low & slow" -- or
> > perhaps I mean I'd rather not tend that grill to maintain the charcoal
> > whilst cooking 8-) Alas, it's one of those Hormel butts that has "up to
> > twelve percent solution" added to enhance flavor (oh well).

> Do you have a slow cooker that will accomodate? I rub my butt (stop that,
> you know what I mean) with my favorite pork rub and let it sit in fridge for
> a few hours. The last one I bought had a thick (1/8") layer of fat on one
> side, which I scored in a diamond pattern and placed the butt in my large,
> Rival slow cooker with a couple of cups of water. I slowly poured a bit of
> Liquid Smoke (hickory) over the scored fat, allowing it to run into the
> scores and into the bottom. Depending on how fast I want it done, I cook
> overnight on low or for 3-4 hours on high (using meat probe and Polder
> thermometer) until 160 in the center.
> Remove from slow cooker, chop into fairly large chunks and put in roasting
> pan with just a bit of of the juice and cook at 225F or so for several more
> hours, until fall-apart tender and a bit crispy around the top and edges.
> At this point, I split the meat into two containers; one for finishing with
> Mexican flavorings, the other for use with BBQ sauce of choice (a vinegar
> base is my favorite).
> --
> Change Cujo to Juno in email address.

I like your "method and technique." Unfortunately, I do not have a
crockpot large enough to handle this "beast." But, I do have a dutch
oven, or some pan/pot someplace, that will do the job I still
haven't decided how to prep/cook it, yet.

Sky, who's still in the R&D phase for this 'butt'!

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